StoreTender RF Server  Version 8.0  Copyright ©2014,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

RF Server Configuration





The RF Server Configuration dialog is used to define the Base Station communications port as well as a Label Printer if attached.




Edit - Allows editing the settings.


Save - Saves changes to file.


Cancel - Cancels the current edit without saving.


 Close - Closes the form.


Test - Prints a label using the current settings.


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.




Base Station


Com Port - The communications port (1-64) the base station is plugged into.


Label Printer


Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the label printer. Select from a list of supported manufacturers.


Model - The model of the label printer. Select from a list of supported models for the selected manufacturer..


Emulation - The software emulation to use. Select from a list of supported emulations.


Interface - Select from a Windows Printer or a RS-232 serial interface.


Windows Interface


Printer Name - Select the printer from a list of currently installed printers.


RS232 Serial Interface


Port Name - Select a serial port (1-64) from the drop down list..


Baud Rate - Select the baud rate from the drop down list.


Parity - Select the parity from the drop down list.


Data Bits - Select the number of data bits from the drop down list.


          Stop Bits - Select the number of stop bits from the drop down list.


Hint: Most label printers will work using the following settings:

·Baud Rate: 9600

·Parity: None

·Data Bits: 8

·Stop Bits: 1