StoreTender RF Server  Version 8.0  ©2014,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Connectivity Settings (Accessible from the User Sign On Screens)


Hosted Systems


Hosted systems have their data stored on the cloud and are backed up and managed by Aloha Data Systems. Hosted systems can specify whether or not to work online or off-line. Off-line mode is ideal for situations where an Internet connection is not available. One example might be a sidewalk sale. The Connectivity Settings dialog allows Hosted Systems to choose between online or off-line modes.



The current status will display. Choose Yes to change or No to keep as is.



Self-Hosted Systems 


Self-hosted systems store their data locally on their own SQL servers and are entirely responsible for managing and backing up their own files. The Connectivity Settings dialog allows Self-Hosted systems to specify connection settings.






Edit - Edits the current settings.


Save - Saves changes to the current settings.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Close - Closes the Customers form.


Keys - Displays the on-screen keyboard (see On-Screen Keyboard).


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.


Test Connection - Tests the connection status using the current settings.




Server name


The server instance last connected to is displayed by default. Select the server instance to connect to clicking on the yellow folder icon. (see Select Server)




Two authentication modes are available. Click the yellow folder icon to display a list to select from.(see Select Type of Authentication)


·Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)

Microsoft Windows Authentication mode allows a user to connect through a Windows user account.

·SQL Server Authentication 

When a user connects with a specified login name and password from a non-trusted connection, SQL Server performs the authentication itself by checking to see if a SQL Server login account has been set up and if the specified password matches the one previously recorded. If SQL Server does not have a login account set, authentication fails, and the user receives an error message.


Enter the login to connect with. This option is only available if you have selected to connect using SQL Server Authentication.


Enter the password for the login. This option is only editable if you have selected to connect using SQL Server Authentication. Passwords are measured for strength. It is a good practice to make sure your password is at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like (!@#$%^&*<>{}[]?).