StoreTender RF Server  Version 8.0  ©2014,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

User Sign On




The Sign In Process is used to identify the current user, validate their PIN (if security is activated), and optionally clock in or out.

During the Sign In process the user is prompted to create a PIN when necessary and is also provided the opportunity to reset their PIN.



Icon View



To sign on using the Icons, press the icon associated with your name. The icon may be one of the included avatars or

customized with a photograph.




   To clock in or clock out, press the Time Clock icon, then select your user icon.



   If you prefer to sign on by entering your User ID press the keypad icon located at the bottom of the screen. 



   Press this icon to exit the application.



   Press this icon to refresh the list of employees.



   Press this icon to change connectivity settings. (see Connectivity Settings)



   Press this icon to toggle between ordering the icons by employee number or name.




Number View



To sign on using numbers, enter your assigned user ID and then press the button labeled Enter.




   To clock in or clock out, press the Time Clock icon, then select your user icon.



   If you prefer to sign on using icons press the avatar icon located at the bottom of the screen. 



   Press this icon to exit the application.



   Press this icon to refresh the list of employees.



   Press this icon to change connectivity settings. (see Connectivity Settings)



   Press this icon to toggle between ordering the icons by employee number or name.



   Scan or swipe your employee badge card





Password Screen (only appears if security is activated)



If security is activated, you will need to enter your PIN number. If you have not created a PIN, the Create PIN dialog will

appear. If you want to reset your PIN, select "Reset PIN".



   If you have a fingerprint reader attached you can simply touch the reader.




New PIN dialog





Change PIN dialog





Time Clock



The time clock dialog will display the current time as well as whether or not you are clocked in, Choose the appropriate option.

A receipt will be printed evidencing your clock in or clock out time.